About me!

Salut! Je m’appelle Suchit! I am a CS engineering sophomore at Ramaiah Institute of Technology at the Silicon Valley of India, Bangalore.

I have a strong interest in pursuing a research career in the field of Deep Learning and love the notion of humans working alongside AI. I wish to create AI systems to enhance just about any aspect of the human life.


M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology | Bangalore, India

B.E. in Information Science | Dec 2022 - Present (expected: 2026)


Mukti (FOSS Club) | Core Member | Aug 2023 - Feb 2024

Visit advAIta started by me as a fast.ai study group, now turned to a general AI/DL community, that’s the collective effort of many at my college!

More about me

I’m of the tinkering and learning species and my current interests include Machine Learning, reading anything that seems interesting to me (including but not limited to psychology and self-help books, fiction, and half-assing CS books), learning French and playing the Guitar! I am currently taking the fastai course where I am enjoying the top-down learning and iterative approach by the course.

I blog about what I think is interesting, worth remembering and putting it out there for primarily myself in the hope that it’s also useful for others. Feel free to DM or raise a PR in case for any edits/suggestions/additions to one of my posts or if you just want to say HI or talk about anything else (or even offer me an internship ;) )!